What are the Antidote and Vaccine - [English]
Some chemicals and drugs are consumed by all of us inadvertently on intentionally,Which are poison to the body and if they are not cured in time,so they can be fatal.The help of antidote is taken to remove such poison from the body.In this way,vaccine are also applied to protect many diseases but what are the antidote and vaccine and how do they work.Today we will know about it. What is Antidote:- We need to know poison before knowing antidote.Poison are such substance from which any organ of human being can be damaged and even killed.Antidote are agents that act to eliminated poison from the body.When there is a substance in our body that puts a harmfull effect on our body,with the help of antidote,the effect of that poison is neutralized. Let's understand this with an example such as Activated Charcoal this is a universal antidote when a person takes a poison substance so activated charcoal is used to prevent that poison from dissolving in the blood.The activeted charcoal i...