
What are the Antidote and Vaccine - [English]

Some chemicals and drugs are consumed by all of us inadvertently on intentionally,Which are poison to the body and if they are not cured in time,so they can be fatal.The help of antidote is taken to remove such poison from the body.In this way,vaccine are also applied to protect many diseases but what are the antidote and vaccine and how do they work.Today we will know about it. What is Antidote:- We need to know poison before knowing antidote.Poison are such substance from which any organ of human being can be damaged and even killed.Antidote are agents that act to eliminated poison from the body.When there is a substance in our body that puts a harmfull effect on our body,with the help of antidote,the effect of that poison is neutralized. Let's understand this with an example such as Activated Charcoal this is a universal antidote when a person takes a poison substance so activated charcoal is used to prevent that poison from dissolving in the blood.The activeted charcoal i...

What is Database With Full Information in Hindi

हम आज अपना सभी काम computer or mobile पर करते है जैसे -Newspaper,books,online shoping,ticket reservation आदि पहले ये सब काम paperwork में होता था और इनके records को अलमारी या टेबल में क्रमानुसार रखा जाता था। लेकिन अब हम अपने ये सभी काम computer पर करते है और इन records को files के रूप में computer या internet पर store करते है computer में ये सभी documents(records) को क्रमानुसार रखा जाता है जिसे हम database कहते है। computer में अपने सभी documents यानी data को database के रूप में store करते है। Database क्या है (What is Database):- Database जानकारियों का एक संग्राहलय है जिसमे संम्बन्धित जानकारियों को store करके रखा जाता है इसे अगर किताबी भाषा में कहे तो - Data किसी भी information का एक छोटा सा हिस्सा होता है ये किसी व्यक्ति या नाम ,ऊचाई,वजन ,मोबाइल नंबर ,घर का पता ,व्यवसाय आदि। ये सब किसी व्यक्ति से जुड़ा data है data अलग अलग प्रकार के भी हो सकते है जैसे -textneumeric,alphaneumeric,image,file,graph आदि जब इन data को एक साथ organize किया जाता है तो वह information बन जाता है और informa...

What is Digital Painting With full Information - [Hindi]

Digital painting एक simple painting का ही एक रूप है जैसे कागज में brush और colours की मदद से चित्र बनाया बनाया जाता है ठीक वैसे ही digital painting में कागज और brush और colour की जगह किसी digital devices जैसे - Computer और Tablet जैसी चीजों का use किया जाता है। Digital painting में digital devices के अलावा एक software का भी use होता है। जिसमे कई तरह के designs, templets और paint brush का option दिया जाता है। इन सभी की मदद से जो भी चित्र बनाया जाता है वह बिलकुल tredistional painting की तरह दिखता है। इसमें computer base technology का use करके हम कई designs तैयार कर सकते है। जैसे - Computer graphics, Animation, Gaming, Painting, Product designing, Virtual and intrective art जैसे field में digital painting का use किया जाता है। Digital painting का use करना बहुत ही आसान है जिस तरह हम कागज पर paintbrush की मदद से चित्र बनाते है उसी तरह हम tablet या computer पर stylish pen जो एक खास तरह का pen है उसकी मदद से चित्र बनाते है।  Digital painting के लिए सिर्फ दो चीजों की जरुरत होती है ए...

What is Quantum Computer With full Information -[English]

In today's fast growing technology computer has become a great need for all of us.We can do any of our task in a very short time with the help of computer and we are going to make computer faster and powerful everyday.One such computer is named Quantum Computer which is powerfull and faster than ordinary computer,so let us know the complete information about Quantum Computer. What is Quantum Computer :- A quantum computer is a computer that stores data using the bases and rules of quantum physics and performs computation.It can complete the difficult tasks in a few minutes.Which we cannot think of in today's ordinary computer.Quantum computer is the computer of the future.It is comletely different from today's computers and powerful.Ordinary computer use binary digits or bits to store and calculate data,which are kept in the form of 0 and 1.Binary digits are used to write programs in machine language which has only two values 0 and 1.Computer understand these binary ...

What is Super Computer With full Information

Before knowing about super computer,we must first understand the ordinary computer. Computer is a general purpose machine that takes data from the user through input devices such as a keyboard mouse,then processe that data and then output to user.But the work of super computer is much faster and faster than it is used there,where much power and very fast calculations are required.A super computer does not do one thing at a time like an ordinary computer but has the ability to do countless tasks at a time.Because super computer work based on parellel processing instead of serial processing. Ordinary computer perform one task at a time.Because they operate on serial processing.That is when one task is finished. They perform another task.But super computer have several thousands processors capable of doing many calculations per second. A super computer uses parellel processing to perform a task. In which it divides the work into small part and each microprocessor perform a task given ...

What is Nanotechnology full Information

Today's time is the time of technology means every hour everyday something is happening in change technology and new technology is developing and one such technology is Nanotechnology.You must heard about Nano car. It is just like Nanotechnology.Very small particles are used in it,so today we will know that what is Nanotechnology. What is Nanotechnology:- Nano is a Greek word which means micro or small.Which is related to  Nanotechnology.Nanotechnology is made of a very small substance.Nanotechnology is a science that work on particles smaller than 100 nanometer.In nanotechnolog, the study of matter in nuclear,atomic and supramolecules is studied. Now we know that what nanotechnology can do:- Today's even through the use of nanotechnology is being emphasized.But nanotechnology or nanoscience is not a new term because before many times already Chemist polymers have been made and it has been used in computer chips for 20 years.Nanotechnology may work on very small size ...

What is Quantum Physics full Information

Quantum Physics is the part of physics in which particles such as molecules aitoms,electron,proton,neutron such as all aitomic particles are describe.Quantum physics was the most important theory of the twentieth century. This is also called Quantum Macanics and Field Theory. On 14 December 1900 Max Plank laid the foundation of quantum physics.He researched on Blackbody Radiation and hypothesized that light moves the form of small packets of energy rather than a continuous flow of other electromagnetic radiation energy. The Plank was also awarded the Nobel prize for establishing quantum physics and Einstein also gave the theory of light electric current using the same Hypothizius. (Max Plank Sir) What is Quanta:-  The small packets of energy created by the Max Plank are called quanta.The quanta of energy is fixed which depends on the frequency of light.It's formula is -E=hv where h is the Plank constant and v frequency. Everything taht happens around us happens only th...