What is Super Computer With full Information

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Before knowing about super computer,we must first understand the ordinary computer.
Computer is a general purpose machine that takes data from the user through input devices such as a keyboard mouse,then processe that data and then output to user.But the work of super computer is much faster and faster than it is used there,where much power and very fast calculations are required.A super computer does not do one thing at a time like an ordinary computer but has the ability to do countless tasks at a time.Because super computer work based on parellel processing instead of serial processing. Ordinary computer perform one task at a time.Because they operate on serial processing.That is when one task is finished. They perform another task.But super computer have several thousands processors capable of doing many calculations per second. A super computer uses parellel processing to perform a task. In which it divides the work into small part and each microprocessor perform a task given in multiple parts simulataneously at a high speed.Super Computer speed is calculated in FLOPS(Floating Point Operation Per Second).While the speed of ordinary computer is calculated in MIPS(Million Instructions Per Second).
If talking about the Operating System ,when the super computer was introduced,it worked on the UNIX Operating System.But today most super computer use LINUX Operating System.Apart from this Cent operating, Bullx and CRAY Linux operating system are also used.

Use of Super Computer:-

As for the use of super computer is for scintific and engineering applications, so that it can handle large database and perform a large amount of computational operations,apart from that it is also needed for serial operations such as Weather forcasting, Climate Reasearch, Simulation of Nuclear weapons and Mathmatical moduling etc super computer are used.

Who made the Super Computer:-

A huge credit goes to Seymour Cray for making the super computer.Because their contribution is the highest in making super computer. They can also be called the father of super computer.The world's first super computer was created in 1960 by the name of CDC1604.America has two of the world's fastest super computer.Their names are Sumit and Sierra both are use IBM Technology.Of the ten fastest super computer in the world,five are from USA and two are from China and one one from Japan,Switzerland,Germany.

India also has the five fastest super computer named PRATYUSH CRAY XC40 ,SHARITA XC40 ,ADITYA IBM LENOVO SYSTEM ,IIT DELHI HPC ,PARAM YUVA 2
India got its first super computer in 1991 which was named PARAM 8000.India's most modern super computer is PRATYUSH.Its memory is 1.5 TeraBytes.


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