What are the Antidote and Vaccine - [English]
Some chemicals and drugs are consumed by all of us inadvertently on intentionally,Which are poison to the body and if they are not cured in time,so they can be fatal.The help of antidote is taken to remove such poison from the body.In this way,vaccine are also applied to protect many diseases but what are the antidote and vaccine and how do they work.Today we will know about it.
What is Antidote:-
We need to know poison before knowing antidote.Poison are such substance from which any organ of human being can be damaged and even killed.Antidote are agents that act to eliminated poison from the body.When there is a substance in our body that puts a harmfull effect on our body,with the help of antidote,the effect of that poison is neutralized.Let's understand this with an example such as Activated Charcoal this is a universal antidote when a person takes a poison substance so activated charcoal is used to prevent that poison from dissolving in the blood.The activeted charcoal is then removed from the body through vomiting.There are many antidote that eliminate different poison effects such as- Charcoal, Atropine, Sodium Bicarbonate, Vitamin K
There are four types of antidote:-
1-Physiologic Antidotes:-
This antidote changes the body's physiology by not direct attack on the spread of poison in the body,which prevents the effect of poisons.Such as- Sodium Nitrate is given as an antidote in cyanite poisoning.By converting this Hemoglobin to Methemoglobin,which is converted from cyanite to non-talk,it makes sinemethonoglobine in the sign and thus the effect of poison is stopped.2-Chemical Antidote:-
These antidote direct attack on the poisons spread in the body and change its chemical nature in such a way that the poisons are converted into nonpoisons substance,such as Sodium Thiosulphate which convert tosidesainate to nontocsidindies,thus eliminating the effects of the poisons.3-Machanical Antidote:-
This prevents antidote poisoning from being absorving in the body, such as Activated Charchoal,which absorve all the poisons of the stomach and stops going into the poison blood.4-Universal Antidote:-
This antidote is used when the information about the poison is not correct.In such a situation,the mixing of several chemical is called universal antidote such as activated charcoal,in addition to Machanical antidote, Universal antidote.What is Veccine:-
Edward Jenner first developed a successful vaccine in 1796,which was a vaccine for small-pox diseaes.To understand the vaccine, we must first understand the Immune System.Immune system works to protect our body from diseases.Whenever a harmfull bacteria or virus enters our body,our immune system released antibodies to eliminate them.But there are some diseased for which our immune system is weak,them vaccine is used to protect against such diseases,which strengthe the immune system which kills bacteria and viruses.When a person is exposed to a disease after getting a vaccine,its immune system recognizes it and immediately releases antibodies and these antibodies would fight the diseased and eliminate it.There are many disease for which vaccine is used-Chicken pox, Diphtheria, Flu, Hepatitis A, Hepatites B, Meales, Polio and whooping cough.
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