Introduction of Computer

Parts of Computer

Computer has become many types of parts like-MOUSE,KEY-BOARD,MONITOR etc.

Data flow in computer

when user gives input to computer so after giving input computer process data and after that gives output.
Image result for data flow in computer

1- Input Unit-

When user gives command to computer for processing data calls input.


when user gives any instruction by keyboard to computer calls input unit.
Types of Input devices-Keyboard,Mouse Scanner light pen,track Ball,Digital Tablet,OMR,OCR ,MICR etc.

2-CPU(Central Processing Unit)

CPU is a main part of computer.CPU also call as brain of computer.when user input data in computer so CPU process the data and gives output.

CPU has three parts-

a)Main Memory-

When user input the data in computer so before processing data stores in main memory.

b) Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU)-

In this part every type of calculation(Addition,Substraction,Multiplication,Division) by ALU.

C)Control Unit-

Control unit give command to computer for working.

3-Output Unit-

 After processing data by CPU computer gives result it calls output.Output shows in computer screen(Monitor)which can read.

Types of Output devices-

Monitor,Printer,Speaker,Plotter,Floppy etc.


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